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The story behind our sustainable furniture

This week we sat down with our Head of Sustainability, Corine De Bruijne, to discuss how our product designs at Studio HENK have guided the narrative for us in becoming a more sustainable brand. 

Corine has long been a strong advocate of sustainability and supporting a circular economy. As we work hard at Studio HENK to integrate more environmentally friendly strategies, products and materials into our business strategies, Corine reflects on how this goal has grown to become one of our core brand values. 

“We were founded with the purpose of creating practical design furniture that could be used every day, without having to worry about actually using it. This naturally led to creating high-quality and durable designs.” says Corine. 

These goals intrinsically allow us to create more sustainable furniture as the designs encourage conscious and long-term purchases.

“Our furniture does not follow trends, so we only produce pieces that we know will be popular for years. The designs are timeless and the quality guarantees that Studio HENK products can be enjoyed for a long time too.” Corine explains.

As a mother, Corine has a unique perspective on this sustainable focus. “I have three lovely children who I want to have a good life and a bright future ahead. I want to teach them that the world is a beautiful place, but most importantly that we need to take care of it too.” she says.

By creating designs that last for generations, combined with our shift towards more sustainable production - such as using 100% FSC/PEFC certified wood and looking into cradle-to-cradle production - this can be further achieved. 

“We have always designed timeless furniture. We serve a broad range of customers from 25-60+ years old, and because there are so many different people that love our furniture, I believe this is the validation that ‘timeless designs’ have a broad appeal.” says Corine.

We invite you to join us on this journey. You can discover more about our sustainability goals here.